R0le 0f Vitamin C In The Wound Healing
The skin is the most frequently injured part of the body. When it is wounded, the connective tissue is exposed and a series of local cellular and biochemical events are triggered to restore tissue integrity.(3) This sequence of events is called cicatrization , involves inflammation, proliferation and maturation.(3) Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) , solvent in water usually found in human skin, but it is rapidly lost in inflammatory processes. (1) This vitamin can enhance the protective mechanism of the immune system to accelerate the healing process and protects the skin against ultraviolet rays, free radicals , damages and besides its anti-inflammatory effect; it is also a major agent in depigmentation of skin. (3) Topical vitamin C reduces inflammatory responses In addition, The main function of vitamin C it stimulates collagen genes to synthesize collagen in order to heal the wounds. (3) The main mechanisms of action and clinical applications of topical vitamin C on the skin, including its antioxidative and antiagingeffects . (1) The aim of this study to evaluate the effect of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on the healing process of skin wounds
Healing is a complex process that involves cellular and biochemical events. Several medicines have been used in order to shorten healing time and avoid aesthetic damage . (2) Vitamin C, solvent in water, is necessary to synthesis and to keep collagen, and also is an intercellular surrounding material of body tissues, blood vessels, cartilages, bones, teeth, skins, and tendons.(3) It is able to improve the protective mechanism of immune system, and wounds.(3) Also, it is necessary to rehabilitate wounds and resistance against infection.(3) This study makes an attempt to define the effect of topical vitamin C on improving wound healing and skin repair.