Student Follow-up Mobile Application

Shaglof, Mustafa ; Alashqar, Mohamed (2021-03-09)


Mobile devices are the most used computing devices at present. The portability, open source nature of smart phones has made the development of application software for various environments very beneficial. Smartphone applications are resulted in paper less work, easy to use and time saving in nature. Mobile applications are faster than traditional web sites, all mobile applications offer instant access by a tap. They allow users to access their content quickly. The problem stated is the lag of information needed for students and staff to be reached rapidly. The project purpose is to serve the students and staff of Libyan International Medical University. The project assists the student in many ways such as course enrolment, schedule for subjects, following teachers and keep updated to the latest events. Teachers have the benefit to use the application in multiple ways such as delivering lecture files and notify students about assessments/assignment by uploading it very fast (on the go) through the application

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