The significance of gender differences on diuretics Pharmodynamics

Raoof, Heba (2022-09-01)


This study aims to the significance of gender differences on diuretics Pharmodynamics. A total number of 12 participants involved in this research 6 male and 6 female volunteers by giving a dose of Furosemide which is a sulphonamide-type loop diuretic the presence of a FUR dose necessary to produce identical urine excretion rates of FUR in both sexes in pharmacological development and clinical intervention have been shown. Total urine production was collected over the next 6 hours to determine urine volume female after 6 hours was 367.2± 104.9 range from 216.0 to 518.4 ml and the mean of urine output among male after 6 hours was 468.0± 114.02 range from 302.4 to 604.8ml. urine output amount (P=0.142). In terms of urine flow excretion rates, there was no statistically significant difference between male and female patients across treatments
