The incidence rate of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among LIMU students

Boujwari, Mohammed (2022-09-05)


UTIs are clinically simple or complex. Uncomplicated UTIs usually affect people who are generally healthy and have no anatomical or neurological problems with the urinary system, (UTIs) are one of the most prevalent bacterial diseases, affecting more than 150 million people worldwide each year, Asymptomatic bacteriuria is caused by the same organisms that cause cystitis. Asymptomatic candidiasis can also occur. A positive urine culture is required for the diagnosis of asymptomatic bacteriuria. In about half of the cases of asymptomatic UTIs, the biostatistics software result indicate P-value is 0.04, that means we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Which means there is a significant difference between males and females. Females are at high risk than males to get infection
