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Incidence rate of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among LIMU students

dc.contributor.authorAniba, Osaid
dc.description.abstractAsymptomatic urinary infection, is bacteria present in urine in the absence of clinical signs or symptoms of urinary infection in the host. Escherichia coli and gram-negative bacilli are the most common organisms isolated from patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria. This study aims to detect the incidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria between male and females of Libyan International Medical University students. The findings of this report study were obtained from medical students. Patient’s samples were examined by urine culture and grams staining at the microbiology lab. Therefore, the P-value of asymptomatic bacteriuria between male and females was less than 0.05. The incidences of asymptomatic bacteriuria in the females are significantly higher than males.en_US
dc.publisherfaculty of applied basic medical science - Libyan international medical universityen_US
dc.titleIncidence rate of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among LIMU studentsen_US

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