Serologic Evaluations of Hepatitis B and C Among Nephrology Center of Benghazi

Elfallah, Ali Salah (2018-05-05)

Viral hepatitis is one of the major health problems in the world ,approximately 3% which represents about 175 million people are infected with HCV infections ,also the prevalence of HBV is 10% accounting for 400 million individuals globally ,in a previous study it has been estimated that 120,00 to 150,000 was a carrier for HBsAg in Libya 2.2% of the total populations in Libya. Hepatitis B is DNA virus belongs to hepadnavirus a potentially lifethreatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. It is a major global health problem. It can cause chronic infection and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer, vaccine against hepatitis B has been available since 1982.4The vaccine is 95% effective in preventing infection and the development of chronic disease and liver cancer due to hepatitis B ,in the other hand Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is RNA virus causes both acute and chronic infection. Acute HCV infection is usually asymptomatic, and is only very rarely associated with life-threatening disease


Hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) viruses are the most important infections transmitted within the dialysis units by any of which means ,The present study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of HBV and HCV among hemodialysis patient ,After informing patients retrospective study was done on them between 11th February and 22nd August 2009 a number of 50 patients attending hemodialysis unites where applied to serological testes for the presence of HBV and HCV markers by the third generation of ELISA automated system. Serological investigations show 25 (50%) patients were HCV seropositive ,while 15 (30%) patients had HBV infection .HBV infection is less frequent than HCV, Viral hepatitis infections is a major problem which can be transmitted during the sessions of dialysis if safety recommended protocols were poorly restricted, this report is made in order to evaluate the prevalence and risk related factors of HCV and HBV in patients receiving regular dialysis in nephrology center of Benghazi

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