Ischemic stroke in children

Anan, Noha Mohammed (2018-05-07)

When we speak of strokes, we often think of them as something that would happen only to older people. But in children; although they are considered rare, they could lead to significant morbidity and even mortality. A stroke is a neurological injury with an underlying vascular damage. It could be either a hemorrhagic or an ischemic stroke; the latter type is subdivided into arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) and cerebral sinovenous thrombosis (CSVT). The incidence of AIS in western countries was estimated at 2-3/100000 children per year in the first 5 years; while neonatal and perinatal period had a higher incidence at 1/4000 live birth. In USA, strokes are among the most common causes of death in children, especially among those in their first year. Concerning the AIS; children have a wider range of risk factors that includes heart disease, sickle cell disease, infection, thrombotic disorders and trauma. These risk factors often vary according to age and ethnicity. 1 The recurrence rate in pediatric stroke was found at 25%, with a mortality rate that varies between 10-25%. Nearly 66% of those affected will develop neurological deficits, seizure disorders or learning difficulties. Due to lack of awareness, strokes are often underdiagnosed, which increases the severity of its subsequence


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